The majority of Chamber work focuses on attracting visitors to Boulder City and encouraging them to patronize the businesses, services, and attractions offered by our Members. We continually inform residents about the importance of a strong local economy.
The Chamber’s mission is to promote business and commerce for the Boulder City area through leadership in economic, political and social development.
In pursuing its mission, the Chamber is an advocate, catalyst, and service provider focusing on those issues which affect the area’s economic vitality. The Chamber acts as an advocate by representing the membership especially regarding State and local legislative issues. As a united voice of its members, the Chamber seeks a consensus on key issues, communicates the business community’s perspective and ultimately influences decisions made by legislatures.
The Chamber acts as a catalyst by identifying issues affecting economic vitality and focusing resources to address and resolve those issues. It sponsors and supports a variety of efforts and organizations congruent to the Chamber mission. The Chamber encourages the involvement of corporate citizens within the community and provides a forum for discussing topics of interest to the business community
The Chamber acts as a service provider by initiating and managing programs which are responsive to member needs. In addition to managing a wide range of programs which encourage small business formation and retention, the Chamber is a clearinghouse of information for business. In this role, it helps members interpret the impact of recently passed legislation.
The geographic scope of the Chamber extends throughout Boulder City and the adjacent Metropolitan area. A larger geographic scope of influence and involvement (e.g. communities within Southern Nevada) may be required based on the issue (e.g. legislative, transportation, and regional economic development).
No. The Chamber of Commerce is a separate entity from the City. The Chamber and the City do work close together to create an atmosphere where business can thrive. In matters concerning or affecting local business, the City request input from the Chamber and takes that information into consideration when making decisions. The City of Boulder City is also a Diamond Investor.
The Boulder City Chamber of Commerce operates on approximately $250,000 per year.
The Chamber is presently operated by a paid staff of two employees that report directly to the eleven member Board of Directors. The CEO and Office Manager handle the day to day operations of the Chamber office. Approximately 25 Volunteers work regular shifts in the office helping with things like answering phones, mailings, and similar projects.
The Board of Directors are nine individuals representing member businesses. They are elected by the membership and serve a three year term.
Board members set the policy for the Chamber of Commerce. They are ambassadors for the Chamber and our City. They volunteer their time aside from their regular jobs to promote the Chamber’s mission. They attend Chamber and committee meetings and help with Chamber and other community events
The staff is responsible for the day to day operations at the Chamber. This includes most of the tasks necessary to execute our member benefits and programs of work.
Boulder City Chamber of Commerce is a 501 c (6) organization. The Boulder City Chamber of Commerce also manages four other non-profit 501 c (3) corporations; the Boulder City Tourism Commission, the Boulder City Economic Vitality Commission, the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Foundation, and the Boulder City Community Foundation.