"To facilitate and provide a mechanism for Chamber and community-based projects that enhance
Boulder City and surrounding communities, its businesses and residents."
General Information
A. Type of Foundation. The Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Foundation (Foundation) is a non-profit public benefit corporation. This organization is established to maintain or aid charitable, educational, economic development, demographics, or general commerce or community-oriented activities that show the public good.
B. Purpose. The Foundation's immediate purpose is to provide a vehicle through which Boulder City Chamber of Commerce committees and other local organizations may complete programs, which are determined for the "public good", may raise funds which are not presently available to them. Primary sources of funds are charitable contributions by individuals, businesses and grants.
C. Environmental Factors. Issues that the Foundation shall be cognizant of on a continual basis include: changing community needs and demographics, effectiveness of funded programs, political, social and cultural trends, non-profit organization regulations and tax law changes.
Boulder City Chamber of Commerce is a 501 c (6) organization. The Boulder City Chamber of Commerce also manages four other non-profit 501 c (3) corporations; the Boulder City Tourism Commission, the Boulder City Economic Vitality Commission, the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Foundation, and the Boulder City Community Foundation.