Spring Jamboree 2020
Looking for your feedback...
You are receiving this email as a pre-paid applicant for Spring Jam 2021. We are gathering as much information as we can on how the State of Nevada will approve events for this Spring. In the meantime, I'd love to ask your opinion on the dates of Spring Jam this year.
Currently, we are planning to produce the event on May 1st and 2nd. Traditionally, the first full weekend in May has been our event date for over 40 years. However, we also know that time is our friend when it comes to seeing a "Post-COVID/Vaccinated" point that allows for groups to gather.
So we are wondering if there are other festivals or events that already fall on your radar for the first weekend in June this year? If we were to hold off on Spring Jam until June 5th and 6th this year, would this be a good thing or bad thing for you?
Because those that have already paid did so based on the date and availability, we wanted to reach out to you to see if this could work before we go any further in our planning process.
I look forward to your reply and thank you for helping us Bring Back the Jam!
Boulder City Chamber of Commerce is a 501 c (6) organization. The Boulder City Chamber of Commerce also manages four other non-profit 501 c (3) corporations; the Boulder City Tourism Commission, the Boulder City Economic Vitality Commission, the Boulder City Chamber of Commerce Foundation, and the Boulder City Community Foundation.